Replace Your Ride
The Vermont Clean Cities Coalition has been collaborating with the Energy Action Network Team in a project that streamlines the transition to clean energy through assisting low-income Vermonters.
Replace Your Ride would provide incentives to help lower-income Vermonters scrap their older, high-polluting vehicles for a range of clean transportation or shared-mobility options. Modeled after the successful Clean Cars 4 All programs in California, Replace Your Ride would:
- Be targeted to low-income Vermonters.
- Offer cash incentives to retire older, high-polluting/low-MPG vehicles.
- Allow incentives to be applied to a range of clean transportation or shared-mobility options (e.g., new or used EVs, transit vouchers, electric motorcycles/bicycles, shared-mobility vouchers).
- Stack on top of existing incentives to ensure the highest incentives for more efficient and affordable transportation options are targeted to the lowest-income Vermonters.
By scrapping older vehicles and replacing them with clean affordable alternatives, Vermont can accelerate its progress towards reducing GHG emissions while also reducing the transportation energy burden on low-income households. Trends in CO2 emissions and fuel economy for vehicles since 1975 are shown in the figure to the right. According to the VT Transportation Energy Profile, Vermont has a total of 593,705 registered vehicles (2019), of which approximately 40% are model year 2010 or older, and 60% are model year 2012 or older. For each older/low MPG vehicle taken off the road, the resultant GHG emissions reduction is up to three times that of a newer equivalent vehicle replacement, and significantly higher if replaced by a zero emissions alternative.
Network members and partners guiding this effort:
- VT Clean Cities Coalition (Peggy O’Neill-Vivanco)
- Linda McGinnis
- UVM Transportation Research Center (Dana Rowangould)
- Drive Electric Vermont, VEIC (Dave Roberts)
- Regulatory Assistance Project (Nancy Seidman)
- Vermont Vehicle & Automotive Distributors Association (Marilyn Miller)
- Plus advisors from: Capstone Community Action, Vital Communities, VT Public Transit Association, Sustainable Transportation Vermont, Vermont Natural Resources Council, Old Spokes Home, The Nature Center, Local Motion, Chittenden Area Transportation Management Association, Public Service Department, Agency of Natural Resources, VTrans, legislators, and others.
Replace Your Ride Program Overview
Video of this Pitch at the October 2020 EAN Summit
If you are interested in learning more or getting involved in this project, please contact Cara Robechek
Note: Network Action Team projects were selected by the Network membership through a competitive process at the EAN annual summit. Although Network members may support specific policy actions as part of their work on these Action Teams, EAN staff serve in the role of neutral convener and refrain from advocating for specific policies.